Radar Alerts is a web app for your Tesla Model S or Tesla Model X that keeps you informed of speed traps and other incidents around you.
The app has been specifically engineered to perform well in the Tesla web browser.
Incidents such as speed traps, accidents, road closures, traffic jams, and road hazards are reported by other drivers, and Radar Alerts
displays them onto your Tesla's touchscreen via the web browser. The app is hands-free and you can take advantage of alerts provided by other drivers.
When you approach alerts, the app flashes prominently to bring them to your attention.
You can try Radar Alerts for free for 15 days. After your free trial expires, Radar Alerts is just $4.99 per month. To sign up, enter your Tesla vehicle, launch the web browser and visit:
Alerts Flash on Screen
When you are approaching a reported incident, the screen flashes red and blue to notify you. The flash can
easily be seen in peripheral vision. The approaching alerts are displayed with ETA information. You can dismiss
flashing alerts by tapping them.
Radar Display
The avionics-style radar display indicates the vehicle's current heading, and shows the relative
locations of reported incidents. Cocentric circles indicate the distance of the alerts from the vehicle.
A map shows the vehicle's current position, and the position of reported incidents in the surrounding area. The Map
also displays the radar circles, radar cone, and current traffic conditions. The map can be displayed full screen,
and take advantage of the large area of the Tesla center console.
Full Alerts List
Toggle off the display of the radar, and it is replaced with a list of reported incidents. As you drive, the list
adjusts to show alerts in the radar cone within the radar circles. Other alerts are prioritized by distance from the vehicle.
Night Mode
The app will automatically switch to night mode, just like the rest of the Tesla's center console display.
App Expands with Browser
When the Tesla web browser is expanded to full screen height, the Radar Alerts app will also expand to fill
the whole screen. The radar list below the radar expands to list more than two alerts.
Marker Clusters
When alerts occur close together, they will appear with marker clusters on the map. You can tap on the marker
clusters on the map to zoom and expand the view to see the individual markers. To go back to the previous view
with the vehicle centered and tracked, tap the recenter button.